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Benefits of Hormonal Support

Benefits of Hormonal Support

Our own natural hormones are very powerful, so even a little hormone can have widespread benefits.  And loss or decrease of the hormone can have widespread negative effects. 
Hormonal support, or called replacement therapy (HRT) is most often used by women experiencing a reduction in hormone levels due to perimenopause or menopause. It’s used to increase the levels of the hormones that have dropped and improve symptoms of that occur with menopause including:
  • hot flashes
  • night sweats
  • mood changes
  • memory problems 'brain fog'
  • weight gain, body fat
  • Loss or thinning hair
  • sleep issues
  • vaginal dryness
  • reduced interest in sex or pain during sex
  • bladder infections
However, hormonal support may also be helpful prior to menopause, in the premenopausal years, which may be 8 to 10 years prior to menopause.  Hormonal support may have many benefits, from head to toe (see diagram).
In addition to helping with symptoms of menopause, hormone support also helps thinning or loss of hair, and your skin by improving skin thickness, hydration, and elasticity, and even reducing wrinkles and signs of aging. 
It also has other positive effects on the  brain, cardiovascular disease, body fat, bladder (reduced infections), vaginal dryness, and helps make stronger bones, and muscles.  It may also reduce your risk for diabetes, dementia, osteoporosis and cataracts.  The benefits of hormone support seem to be best when started early, at least for cardiovascular disease. 
There are potential risks of any hormonal replacement and support so be sure to consult with your own doctor or medical care provider.  However, the weight of evidence clearly indicates that the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks.  In fact, women beginning hormonal replacement before age 60 have been shown to have a 30% reduction in all-cause mortality.  In other words, not only is the quality of life likely to improve, so is the quantity - it might just add years to your life.  

**DISCLAIMER - Product Results May Vary From Person To Person.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  See health disclaimer.