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Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and its metabolite, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate ester (DHEAS), are the most abundant circulating steroid hormones in your body. DHEA has been called the fountain of youth and is known for its anti-aging properties. It’s a precursor hormone produced in the adrenal gland and helps generate other vital hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. 

DHEA levels fall as one ages and can be even lower for those with depression or menopause. By age 70, DHEA levels are about 10-25% of what it was at 25. DHEA supplements help improve fertility, increase bone density, and have many other benefits It’s the number one anti-aging hormone. 


Multiple studies have found lowered serum concentrations of DHEA in patients with poor life quality, psychosocial stress, and functional impairment. Higher concentrations of DHEA have been connected to better functioning, greater enjoyment of leisure activities, and overall higher life satisfaction.  In one study, 80% of postmenopausal women undergoing DHEA treatment reported improved well-being and energy (vitality). 


As women age, they experience a drop in DHEA levels, which are potentially linked to hormone deficiency, postmenopausal symptoms, and many age-related diseases.  Since DHEA is able to convert to androgen or estrogen, many propose DHEA replacement therapy may yield beneficial effects, such as improving menopausal vasomotor symptoms when converted to estrogen, increasing libido and boosting well-being from its androgenic effects. With a daily dose of 50 mg of oral DHEA, data suggest DHEA supplements may have a role in preserving the integrity of the immune system by attacking cancer cells and viruses, maximizing anti-cancer function, and enhancing the activity of monocytes, especially in individuals with autoimmune diseases. Moreover, due to inhibitory effect on the development of mammary carcinoma, DHEA may be used to treat breast cancer. 

DHEA supplements can increase the level of these sex hormones- testosterone and estrogen. That's why a number of claims have been made about their potential health


Many studies have shown those who have low DHEA may be prone to cardiovascular diseases; therefore, the correlation between the two has been contended by several researchers. Studies have confirmed that DHEA is inversely associated with cholesterol levels, obesity, and diabetes, which may play an important role in the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease and heart failure. DHEA is a potent inhibitor of fibroblast growth and carcinogenesis in cell culture, which may be a reasonable mechanism between DHEA and coronary diseases.  DHEA treatment also improves the cardiac index and inhibits right ventricular capillary rarefaction, fibrosis, and oxidative stress.


Since DHEA levels decline with age, some researchers speculate that supplementing your body's falling levels of the hormone might help fight aging. And some small studies have reported positive anti-aging effects from the use of DHEA supplements. However, not all studies have shown this effect. 


DHEA supplements are sometimes used by athletes because of a claim that it can improve muscle strength and enhance athletic performance. That's because DHEA is a "prohormone" -- a substance that can increase the level of steroid hormones such as testosterone.  Its use is banned by sports organizations such as the National Football League, Major League Baseball, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Possible side effects of DHEA supplements can include testosterone related effects.  

Based on available evidence, we would suggest adding DHEA to your hormonal cosmetic cream.  However, if you are concerned about potential side effects related to increased testosterone, then you can choose our creams without DHEA.