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Only $99 for 3+ months supply. Special amazing price of $20 for orders of 50 or more


About You 2

 Score Yourself Below






 Score Yourself



  Over 35? 1
  Over 40? 2
  Over 45? 3
  Over 50?  4
 Over 55? 5

Hair thinning or hair loss?


  Mild 1
  Moderate 2

Signs of skin aging?


  Mild 1
  Moderate 2

Vaginal dryness?


  Mild 1
  Moderate 2

Mood swings, irritability?(hint:  ask your partner)


Lapsing memory? (hint:  ask your partner)


Hot flashes, night sweats? 

  Mild 1
  Moderate 2

Decreased energy?


Decreased libido?


Increased abdominal fat, weight gain?


Total Score



 For a score of 5 or more, we strongly encourage our Hormonal Cosmetic Creams to help restore both your outer Glow and your inner health. For a score of 2 or more, you should start to consider mild hormonal support.  Score of 0?  Congratulations!  You might want to try our hormonal support cream that is hormone free (coming soon). 


Skincare products have become an essential part of our daily routines, helping us achieve healthy and radiant skin. However, with the vast array of options available in the market, it can be challenging to determine which products are truly effective and safe for use.  Nearly all other skin care products are missing a key essential ingredient- your natural hormones.  Your hormones are critical to normal function for your body to work correctly.


Unlike almost all other skin care products, Vivere Hormonal Cosmetic Cream provides your natural hormones.  Check the ingredient label and look for estriol, estradiol and progesterone.  These are your natural hormones.  Other products may claim to offer 'hormonal support' without providing any hormones at all.  The difference is quite literally night and day.  Like you, the hormones have to be perfect. It's like a lock and a key with your hormones being the key.  Even the tiniest key can open the door to your natural glow and help restore and protect your health. 

Other skin products benefit only your skin- and usually only the surface layers and only where you apply it.  That's not true of Vivere Hormonal Cosmetic Creams.  Because it's formulated for maximal absorption, your body receives the benefits of your hormones to all of your skin, including the deep layers, everywhere.  Hormonal support gives a younger, healthier outward glow that you can see in just 1-2 months.  

An even more important difference is that Hormonal Cosmetic Creams benefit your health everywhere- not just you skin.  It's important to get started early, even before you have menopausal symptoms if possible, during the premenopausal stage leading to menopause. You won't 'feel' the effect of decreased cardiovascular disease, but the evidence if very clear.  Hormonal support decreases death from any cause by 30% long term.   In other words, hormonal support can not only add quality to your life, it can also add quantity and add years to your life.


To summarize, growing older is inevitable.  But feeling and looking younger is a choice.  Our Hormonal Cosmetic Creams offer 2 essential benefits unlike other products.  

1.  Hormonal support helps restore your youthful skin and outer Glow.  Hormonal cosmetic creams benefit your skin everywhere, including the deep layers.

2.  Hormonal support is important for your entire body- your hair, brain, heart, muscles, bones, and reproductive tract.  No other skin care product without natural hormones can restore and help protect your health like Vivere Hormonal Cosmetic Creams. 




Experience the difference of skincare products that have been carefully tested and formulated. Choose Face Body Glow for skincare solutions you can trust.